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CVoter Survey: A big majority thinks Modi has become a genuine world leader
An exclusive series of snap polls conducted across India to gauge public opinion related to events during the state visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the US reveals… Read full story
CVoter Snap Poll: One-third respondents do not trust America as a strategic partner
An exclusive series of snap polls conducted by CVoter to gauge public opinion during the state visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the United States reveals that one-third… Read full story
Inside the mind of a reluctant Indian consumer
Is the glass half empty or half full? Cliched as it is, the answers to this question hold the key to the future prospects of the Indian economy…Read full story
Muslims are alienated from PM Modi, not the indian state
An ongoing nationwide survey during the COVID-19 pandemic by C-Voter reveals that Indian Muslims have a lot of trust in virtually all public… Read full story
Three reasons why WHO’s attempt at measuring Covid-19 mortality in India is sensationalist
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has estimated that 4.74 million people died in India from Covid-19. This number is more than nine times the official count of 0.52 million deaths. This anomaly between GoI and WHO figures has sparked a
2022 Election Results: To Take On Modi, Gandhis & Regional Leaders Need to Shed Their Ego
We have all read the story about that fabled old man in a village who, on his deathbed, summoned his sons engaged in a dispute. We know how the warring sons realised their folly after failing to break a bunch
Pro-incumbency gets votes in Indian democracy
The re-election of Yogi Adityanath as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and the “surprise” victory of the BJP in Uttarakhand, along with ruling parties doing unexpectedly well in Goa and Manipur compels us to conjure a mythical fable to
UP to Punjab — ‘experts’ have had their say on election results. Here’s why they are wrong
Now that the election results are out, we will see ‘expert’ pontifications spread like pestilence across media platforms. Fortunately for Indians, the ‘viral views’, while being highly infectious, will only damage some egos. As the world, including India, gets more
Mala fide intent? No, here is what led to Covid death under-reporting in India
If the past two years have taught us one thing about the Covid-19 pandemic, it is that it’s an uncalibrated public policy challenge. Officially, over 5.5 million people have died across the world till date. Each country is being confronted
COVID mortality in India: National survey data and health facility deaths
It is apparent that the official number of COVID-19 cases that have accumulated in India is substantially underestimated, but the question is: by how much? In an independent survey of 137,000 adults, Jha et al. recorded how many people died